Head to the fountain.
- Start at the sector with the plaque on the fountain.
- Rotate around the fountain counterclockwise until you find a sector without any Phibbs. (3 sectors)
- Find out how many times DG was here; call that number D. (DG was here, once)
- Rotate clockwise around the fountain D sectors.
- Count the number of Phibbs in this sector; call that number P. (4 Phibbs!)
- Rotate P sectors counterclockwise.
- Find the brick in Ath row of named bricks (counting from fountain), parodying a brick in the opposite sector. (APATHY INTERNATIONAL in the 3rd row)
- Count how many “very”s there are in this sector; call that number V. (3 "very"s)
- Rotate clockwise V sectors.
- Find the number of years Ella worked in the bursar's office; call that B. (25 years of service)
- Rotate counterclockwise B sectors.
- Find the number of Greek letters appearing in this sector (repeats count); call that number G. (8 Greek letters with repetition; 6 spelled out, 2 in Greek Characters)
- Rotate clockwise A sectors.
- Find the Dth word of the Ath brick in the (G/P)th row of named bricks (counting from the fountain). (AGATHA)
- Start at the sector with the plaque on the fountain.