The second set of images are, in alphabetical order, various types of people that can be paired with images in the first set to form superheroes. Using the number from the person image to index into the images from the first set in order yields:
Superhero | Index | Letter |
WONDER Woman | 3 | N |
HELL Boy | 2 | E |
SPIDER Man | 3 | I |
SCARLET Witch | 5 | L |
STAR Lord | 3 | A |
Captain AMERICA | 4 | R |
Doctor MANHATTAN | 1 | M |
SQUIRREL Girl | 1 | S |
NIGHT Crawler | 5 | T |
Mister FREEZE | 2 | R |
Human TORCH | 2 | O |
King PIN | 3 | N |
GHOST Rider | 1 | G |
The answer is therefore NEIL ARMSTRONG.