An Area with Big Stones and Rocks
Each of the first list is a unit, with a rather unusal prefix, each measuring a different parameter.
massACRE (area)
poLITER (volume)
gutenbERG (energy)
instaGRAM (mass)
beneLUX (illuminance)
faraDAY (time)
guacaMOLE (number of items)
Each of the clues is an amount of exactly one of the parameters. Matching those amounts with the units and recording the quantities in the appropriate units gives:
1/109th the area of the Vatican is 1 acre (massacre)
volume of a standard party bottle of a soda is 2 liters (politer)
energy used by a fly performing 5 push-ups, according to Alex Filippenko is 5 ergs (gutenberg)
combined mass of a paperclip, a pen cap, a thumbtack, and a 1 yen coin is 4 grams (instagram)
1/100th of the illuminance of sunset is 4 lux (benelux)
time to walk from Elm Hall to Wheat Ridge, CO and back 12 times is 3 days (faraday)
number of molecules in 220 grams of carbon dioxide is 5 moles (guacamole)
Then, indexing by the quantity of the unit into the prefix gives:
which gives the answer MONTERA.