Each square has a hexcode that is 5 binary digits and one letter. The hex codes are:
#d00110 | #0100b1 | #c10010 | #10b011 | #10c100 | #10a011 | #0111a1 | #d10010 | #1010d0 | #00b101 | #a00001 | #a00011 | #d01000 | #0001d1 | #0111a1 |
#b01100 | #a10101 | #0110d1 | #01d110 | #d00001 | #00d011 | #0001d1 | #0111a1 | #10c010 | #a00100 | #b01001 | #0111d0 | #00c111 | #10a100 | #b01111 |
#a10100 | #c01000 | #b00101 | #00a001 | #0110b0 | #10b000 | #0100c0 | #00b001 | #0001a0 | #0010c1 | #c10100 | #1010b0 | #01b000 | #0010c1 | #c01110 |
#c10100 | #00d001 | #a01011 | #00c101 | #00a001 | #01c110 | #0111b1 | #1010c0 | #0100b0 | #00d101 | #d10010 | #01c100 | #0111a1 | #0111b1 | #d01011 |
Reading just the binary digits across the rows, and interpreting each one as a letter, gives the message:
FIRSTSORTEACHCOLUMNACCORDINGTOTHEALPHABETTHENTAKEANOTHERLOOK. Sorting each column based on the alphabetical character appearing in each cell, the colors then spell out PARTY in block letters.