Each text message tells a well-known story via emoji. Each story has one particular important feature whose name can be sounded out via emoji. Use the emoji bank at the end to convert these emoji into numbers:
Story | Feature | Emoji | Conversion | Sum | Letter |
Beauty and the Beast | Belle | BELL | BELL = 7 | 7 | G |
Star Wars | Death Star | DEATH + STAR | DEATH = 11, STAR = 4 | 15 | O |
Goldilocks | Goldilocks | GOLD + I + LOCK + S | GOLD = 5, LOCK = 14 | 19 | S |
Super Mario | Princess Peach | PRINCESS + PEACH | PRINCESS = 2, PEACH = 17 | 19 | S |
Pandora's Box | Pandora | PAN + DOOR + A | PAN = 1, DOOR = 8 | 9 | I |
Macbeth | Banquo | BANK + WOE | BANK = 10, WOE = 6 | 16 | P |
The answer is therefore GOSSIP.