Secret Recipe – FIG NEWTONS

Each of these is an ingredient in a secret recipe from fiction:

Non-Narkotik Kough Syrup: FLAMING HOMER (from The Simpson)
Powdered Bicorn Horn: POLYJUICE POTION (from Harry Potter)
Hypermint Extract: PAN-GALACTIC GARGLEBLASTER (from Hitchhiker's Guide)
People: SOYLENT GREEN (from the titular film)
Fish-Shaped Dirt: CAKE (from Portal)
Chemical X: POWERPUFF GIRLS (from the titular show)
Undersea Cheese: KRABBY PATTIES (from Spongebob Squarepants)
Snips: LITTLE BOYS (from the classic nursery rhyme)
Green Cheese: THE MOON (from medieval folklore)
Spoo: SPOO (from Babylon 5)

Then, by indexing into the fictional foods they make by the amount requested (ignoring units), you get the answer:

Flaming homer
polyjuIce potion
pan-galactic garGleblaster
soyleNt green
poWerpuff girls
krabby patTies
little bOys
the mooN