Gather three players to stand in a circle and play an Ewok counting game. The first player stands on the 3s place. The second player stands on the 9s place. The third player stands on the 1s place.
The player on the 3s place counts the number 1, the player on the 9s place counts the number 2, and so on. Do not count numbers that are multiples of three or four, or that have any threes or fours in their decimal expansion. Instead, use the following rules.
- For each instance of 3 in the decimal expansion, and for each power of three that divides the number, say "chim". So the number 3 becomes "chim chim".
- For each instance of 4 in the decimal expansion, and for each power of four that divides the number, say "hoji". So the number 12 becomes "chim hoji".
For each instance of "chim" or "hoji" that you say, you must:
- raise one hand if no hands were raised.
- raise both hands if one hand was raised.
- put down both hands if both hands were raised.
- Each instance of "chim" reverses the order of play (clockwise becomes counterclockwise and vice-versa).
- For each instance of "hoji", the player must swap places with the person who would have gone next. Play continues from the next person after all swaps have been completed.
- All transformations of "chim" go before all transformations of "hoji".
42, 48, 20, 36, 80, 12, 46, 75, 4, 52.