During the actual puzzle hunt, the scavenger hunt was an activity that teams could complete to receive a free answer. Below are the instructions that teams received. In case the list of items is strange, keep in mind that it is full of injokes and references to Mathcamp 09.

Possibly the most memorable "item" that we received was a coach of the actual cheerleading camp on campus who agreed to spend over half an hour learning to play nim from two mathcampers --- is there anything Juno can't charm his way into? --- and then proceeded to play Alfonso at nim while wearing a sarong. Jennifer, we salute you.


Completing the scavenger hunt allows you to get the answer to one puzzle, with the restriction that if said puzzle is a metapuzzle, you must have already solved more than half of the puzzles leading into it. To do the scavenger hunt, you should bring us items such that the total value of their points is greater than 35. Each item has an individual point value, and each adjective has a multiplier which can be used to increase the value of any items to which it is applied. Note each adjective can be used at most once, and no object can have more than 3 adjectives.

First, the Things you need to bring us:

Now, the adjective modifiers: