Puzzle 10 by Darcy Krasne, Ian Tullis, Ari Nieh, and Dave Savitt The key words "period" and "epochal" appear in the first and last diary entries. In fact, each entry in the diary clues a geological time period, in two ways. The first diary entry corresponds to the Cambrian period: the Cambrian period saw a huge diversification of life on earth; and Cambria was the Roman name for Wales. Every diary entry similarly clues a geological time period. Moreover, if the period from the Cambrian to the present day were mapped onto a single day, then the time (hrs and minutes) on each subsequent diary entry is the time of the beginning of the geological period being clued. The periods clued are: Cambrian ordOvician siluriaN Devonian pennsYlvanian pennsyLvanian permiAn juRassic creTaceous Holocene [actually an epoch, as clued in the puzzle] The seconds indicated on each diary entry are all single digits. Using these numbers as indices in the above words (i.e., take the nth letter if the number of seconds is n), one obtains the answer CONDYLARTH.