3. Basic Equations of Fluid Dynamics

There are two ways to obtain the answer to this puzzle: either solve it, or bring Dave an appropriate bribe.

Apple-strawberry juice, blueberries, bananas, raspberry sherbet, nonfat frozen yogurt
Calories 471, Carbs 112 g, Fat 1.5 g, Protein 5 g, Fiber 5 g

Passionfruit-mango juice, strawberries, peaches, orange sherbet
Calories 447, Carbs 102 g, Fat 2 g, Protein 4 g, Fiber 4 g

Fresh squeezed orange juice, pineapple juice, bananas, strawberries, orange sherbet
Calories 454, Carbs 93 g, Fat 2 g, Protein 4 g, Fiber 5 g

Pineapple juice, coconut, bananas, pineapple sherbet, nonfat frozen yogurt
Calories 653, Carbs 118 g, Fat 5 g, Protein 8 g, Fiber 3 g

Raspberry juice, strawberries, bananas, orange sherbet
Calories 487, Carbs 112 g, Fat 2 g, Protein 3 g, Fiber 4 g