Security Transcript for Review by Mr. Lucas

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The following is a transcript of six interns trying to determine what Mr. Lucas asked them to get. They all remember that it had 223 calories, and they each remembered one positive integer nutritional value about it. Finally, they all remembered that the fiber, plus the sugar, plus the saturated fat, was equal to the carbohydrates.

Allison: I remember how much fiber it has.

Brook: I remember how much sugar it has.

Cameron: I remember how much protein it has.

Digby: I remember how much fat it has.

Eli: I remember how much saturated fat it has.

Frankie: I remember how much carbohydrate it has.

Cameron: well we each know a little more: after all, saturated fat is a type of fat, and both fiber and sugar are types of carbohydrate.

Digby: Yeah - and each gram of fat has 9 calories, while each gram of carbohydrate or protein has 4 calories.

Eli: Okay, so who knows what? Remember to take everything anyone has already said into account.

Allison: Nobody else knows fiber.

Brook: Nobody else knows sugar.

Cameron: Someone else could know protein.

Digby: Now we all know that Frankie knew protein and fat.

Eli: Someone could know the saturated fat.

Frankie: Well now everyone knows the saturated fat; but still, only Digby and I know the fat.

Allison: Nobody else knows fiber, but now that I've said that, someone could know it. And now that I've said that, of course, everyone knows it.

Brook: So now Frankie and I know everything. Here's a hint: there exists a pair of equal values.

Cameron: I still don't know fat.

Digby: I still have three possible sets of values.

Eli: Well I can't contribute at all; Frankie, bring us home.

Frankie: None of the values have a 7 as a digit.

Allison: Well let's get these for Mr. Lucas, ASAP!