What I Would Do if I Had Force Powers

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Oh man. If I had force powers, the first thing I would do is teach everyone who gets in my way in traffic a big lesson. I'd move them forward and back, without crashing, a minimal amount in order to make way for me to escape. Then, once I've escaped, I'd use force lightning to give the a shock; the lightning would probably have to follow some reasonable rules. It can only enter and exit a space once, and it has to do so from one side, and out another. Anytime it hits a white dot, it'd probably have to go straight through that space, but turn 90 degrees either from the space before or after. And it'd probably have to turn in any space where it hits a black dot. In spaces with no dots, and not next to white dots, it can do whatever, either go straight, or turn 90 degrees. Any bars between dots, the lightning has to travel along. And obviously, my force lightning would have to be a contiguous loop.

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