Corporate Takeovers in Corsucant Law: A Study

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AThey are based in the Windy City.'70s music genre
BThey consist of ones in France."127 Hours" star
CThey criticize rudely.African country
DThey do business one month a year.Creole music genre
EThey focus on standardized test prep.Famous trader's first name
FThey formed by juxtaposing Sky Airlines and Condor Flugdienst.In the open air
GThey help out professors.International gp. "building peace in the minds of men and women"
HThey originally had a dumb name, so they changed a letter.Plaster
IThey rearrange flares.Popular Mexican street food
JThey represent the guys of the Sunshine State.Spanish boy
KThey sound like they're not going anywhere.Spanish music and dance style
LThey were founded by two-thirds of a set of literary sisters.Spanish painter, with "El"
MThey were inspired by a Latin boy and his donuts.United States territory
NThey were named after The Nanny.Wild horse

G1 A2 I5 F2 K4 H2 J4 M1 B1 K2 F4 H5 L3 I6 A3 J6 E3 H4 N1 M5 C2 D1 B3