Race of the Two-Headed Monsters

Rome, 2009

alex: the of monsters even am slow i in place the
alfonso: liars in race was fastest all them far won race
amy: i not in race all number monsters are is prime
brian: believe amy a i compete the cheerleading way fun math
casey: dan a horrible backstabbing liar place got the was odd
dan: number honest is i very so came last in race
emily: none the monsters in race am proud tell i the
eric: only competed the i the of of by and the
illan: is terrible evil untrustworthy the i in race an number
laura: if thousand hundred three prime alfonso always i the before
nathan: did compete the at the of that honest a number
olivia: either and are honest neither them honest finished casey the
rebecca: me is liar did in race is more than is
reuben: rebecca eric both or of is i before in race
sam: amy lies place the is power two i not you
tom: never my in race a of though will tell which
xiaomin: of dishonest competed the i extremely to you won race
yuri: nineteen four and is then is honest finished race alex