2. Call Your Parents!

"Your MOM is Ze Top Banana of Mathcamp!"
"Your MOM's solo debut album was Little Earthquakes!"
"Your MOM proved the local existence and uniqueness of solutions to analytic partial differential equations!"
"All your MOM wants to do is have some fun... until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard!"
"Your MOM was beheaded on charges of adultery, incest, and treason!"
"Your MOM sang the Titanic theme song!"

"Your MOM was on Dawson's Creek and joined the Church of Scientology in 2005!"
"Your MOM ran against Barack Obama in the 2008 democratic primaries!"
"Your MOM wrote Little House on the Prairie!"
"Your MOM starred in The Fifth Element and multiple Resident Evil movies!"
"Your MOM was the first Princess Royal of Britain!"