
We put in to port in Denmark today. At last! I'm so looking forward to my tour, I could feel myself shake with excitement as I walked down the pier. I went directly to the castle, and when I got inside I saw the Prince of Denmark himself — would you believe such outrageous fortune?! What scenes lie before me, what sights! More than I've dreamt of in my philosophy, I'm sure.

I am, of course, using Spark's Notes as my guide — who'd use anything else?  I plan to stop once at each village described in each of his chapters, twenty villages in all. I'm so glad I thought to line up places to stay in advance, it makes travelling so much easier. I must just be sure to keep my head, and not lose that list of addresses! I daresay I should plan ahead for my trip to Scotland too (can't wait to hear the Scottish play bagpipes!); but first, Denmark!

fifteen, seventy nine, one hundred four, thirty one, twenty nine, fifty two, one hundred twelve, one hundred eighty one, seventy six, forty five, two hundred thirty five, forty four, twenty two, sixty seven, fifty three, one hundred fifty five, three, sixty one, one hundred ninety six, three hundred twenty eight