Letter Opener

Base Value: 2; Worth 5 points in the Library

Dear Dr. Lucky,

I am a world renowned psychic, and I can tell you all about your future.   For the low price of $990,  you will receive news of your future based on the alignment of the planets, your birthday and your age.  The heavens have shown me the astrological signs, the physical world the alchemical signs, and the natural world the biological signs that govern your fate.  Act now, and all this can be yours...
-Madame Zelda

Bah, those Americans,  I sent them my birthday, Friday the 13th, and age, 63.  Did I get a decent reply? NO!  Just some cryptic note about imminent death and not to trust those around me. That just goes to show that one should never ask a stranger to tell one's fortune.  To think, they would have me mistrust my own dear friends.  Besides, there is an astronomy building right here on my estate, and a reliable fortune teller laid all the tiles for me, before her untimely death.  Imagine my surprise as a stray arrow passed right where I had been standing, and hit the fortune teller in the back.  Come to think of it, shouldn't she have known?

Doctor Lucky has decided no one should have letter openers until he has gotten a fortune good enough to erase this memory from his mind.  To ensure the fortune is sufficiently personalized, he insists that the fortune be told using the tiles laid by his dear departed friend.  Like any good fortune, it should include interpretations of the tiles based on their locations, relative positions, and symbolic meanings.  The planet ruling his zodiac sign is of course a must, as are the periodic elements influential to his live, and mention of his strong connections to nature.  Of course, all of this must be woven into one coherent fortune, explaining events in Dr. Lucky's life.  The number of tiles used should follow the rare but important formula governing such things:

t ≤ 20+2p

where t is the number of tiles used, and p the number of people involved in determining the fortune.

Letter Opener is a creative activity involving symbols on one of the buildings at the University of Puget Sound; as such, remote solving of this puzzle is impossible. For the answer to the puzzle, click here.